Wow! what a day for my internet connection to disappear on me!
Now that it's sporadically back. Let me make a post to all of you who are here in Sunny UAE and in Dubai so you can take a detour on your way to your weekend niceties to visit an Artisan's Market.
Everything Hand-made! by "Artisans of the Emirates". Being a Dubai-based artist qualifies me to take part.
The Art Fest season is back here in Dubai and I am so looking forward to taking part....more so because I am quite curious about the turn-over to visit this fest. And also because I am going to launch my new live-art project....making art interactively with my audience with a twist. I will also be having just a handful of my canvas paintings for sale at the Souq-rates. :o)
ARTE is going to be held tomorrow the 7th Sept. at IKEA festival city between 12 noon and 9 pm.
Perhaps you could print-out the flyer here and keep for your reference when stepping out into the city.
Before I stop.... I must give my respects to my Winsor and Newton Fan Brush which has (like today) stayed by me to save my day for many years now.
What painting is complete without finishing it off with the Fan Brush?
The No. 5 Fan brush helped me happily complete all my paintings this week with a much satisfactory touch to finally let me name it before I send it in for my final display.
I recommend that a fan brush is a "must have" for every artist. So what are you waiting for. Go get one and experience the shear enjoyment of taming your paints on your canvas.
See you back here after the ARTE fest. Will try to capture some snap shots to post here.

Now that it's sporadically back. Let me make a post to all of you who are here in Sunny UAE and in Dubai so you can take a detour on your way to your weekend niceties to visit an Artisan's Market.
Everything Hand-made! by "Artisans of the Emirates". Being a Dubai-based artist qualifies me to take part.
The Art Fest season is back here in Dubai and I am so looking forward to taking part....more so because I am quite curious about the turn-over to visit this fest. And also because I am going to launch my new live-art project....making art interactively with my audience with a twist. I will also be having just a handful of my canvas paintings for sale at the Souq-rates. :o)
ARTE is going to be held tomorrow the 7th Sept. at IKEA festival city between 12 noon and 9 pm.
Perhaps you could print-out the flyer here and keep for your reference when stepping out into the city.
Before I stop.... I must give my respects to my Winsor and Newton Fan Brush which has (like today) stayed by me to save my day for many years now.
What painting is complete without finishing it off with the Fan Brush?
The No. 5 Fan brush helped me happily complete all my paintings this week with a much satisfactory touch to finally let me name it before I send it in for my final display.
I recommend that a fan brush is a "must have" for every artist. So what are you waiting for. Go get one and experience the shear enjoyment of taming your paints on your canvas.
See you back here after the ARTE fest. Will try to capture some snap shots to post here.
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