Every moment is part of a learning curve in our existence. Isn't it? These words could be very new to some of you, second nature to many others in advertising and something to keep in mind as part of general awareness because of the co-existing nature of today's work culture. Whether you are in HR, or in Finance or in Operations or an intelligent Techie, it is still good to be aware of what jargons your advertising department speaks for you don't want to get lost in translation at a cooler chat or coffee break or more importantly at an office general meeting.
So here are a few words as part of my first in the series of new words in advertising:
1. A “WILD SPOT” is for UNLIMITED use in as many cities, on as many stations for any number of airings. When your “WILD SPOT” airs you are paid the USE RATE based on the number and size of those cities. Source: http://www.voiceoverresourceguide.com
2. A "TIE-IN" is an authorized product based on a media property a company is releasing, such as a movie or video/DVD, computer game, video game, television program/television series, board game, web site, role-playing game or literary property. Tie-ins are a form of cross-promotion used primarily to generate additional income from that property and promote its visibility. Source: wikipedia.org
3. "SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING" sub.lim.i.nal is a concealed appeal to consumers’ unconscious awareness to buy a product. Source: motto.com
Note: Promotional messages the recipient is not aware of, such as those played at very low volume or flashed on a screen for less than a second. Its effectiveness is not supported by scientific evidence, and its use is considered a deceptive business practice in some jurisdictions. Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com
4. "SOFT SELL" is an advertising and sales practice denoting subtle language and a non-aggressive technique. Source: www.investopedia.com
5. "SNIPING" is the act of pasting up outdoor posters over billboards or on empty structures, walls, and traffic poles, often without permission. Source: motto.com
6. "DRIVE TIME" are the hours covered when the most listeners are commuting. During "drive time," radio advertising costs more because of increased number of listeners.
In radio broadcasting, the morning and evening hours are when listeners commute the most, from 6 to 10 a.m. and 3 to 7 p.m., Mondays through Fridays everywhere in the world except in the middle-east where it is Sundays through Thursdays.
7. "REMNANT SPACE" is unsold space in a print publication or unsold banner impressions on a Web site. Remnant space is typically sold at a discount to the publication or site's rate card. Source: MarcommWise.com
8. "ADVERTORIAL" ad.ver.to.ri.al An advertisement that has the appearance of a news article or editorial, in a print publication. Source: about.com; An advertisement promoting the interests or opinions of a corporate sponsor, often presented in such a way as to resemble an editorial.
9. "MAGALOG" is a multi-page direct mail piece that resembles a magazine and includes samples of typical issue content, as well as promotional copy and an order device.
Source: magazine.org
10. "DOG AND PONY SHOW" (colloquial) is an elaborate pitch or presentation of an advertising campaign. Source: motto.com; These days, your meaning of the phrase is the usual one: an elaborate briefing or visual presentation, usually for promotional purposes. Writers in recent decades have applied dog and pony show pejoratively to military briefings, political speeches and photo opportunities as well as to sales pitches. Source: worldwidewords.org
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