Saturday, September 5, 2015
Art Installation & Fine Art: #Creative ways of mingling with an #international ...
Art Installation & Fine Art: #Creative ways of mingling with an #international ...: This is another weekend keeping in touch with the community I live within at #Dubai where more that 200 cultures/nationalities co-exist. ...
Friday, July 17, 2015
Art Classes by Artists in Dubai
Hello dear friends and well-wishers
This is my newest and most promising few endeavors in my tenure in Dubai as an authorized Art expert.
I am launching my new series of Art classes in various cities in the United Arab Emirates and in India starting this MENA summer and India Winter of 2015.
6 months away from my dear blog here has been my longest time off. But I promise I come back with glad tidings!!!
Although I have made specialized posts and articles on my other specialist blogs, the only reason I was away from our Rembrandz blog was because I did some serious prioritizing of my line of artistic services.
Hence I now announce that I am redefining this blog from focussing on my art practice to focussing on how art, artists and art methodologies as a movement can be made useful to my community.
With this post I am also glad to coincide the relaunch of my Facebook page with its new name Artists in Action….where it will be all about educating through art, art events to promote and assist various communities within the public and local environments.
Will tell you in time how therapeutic it can be made along with my other artist friends who will perform as ambassadors to creating a well-being and cheering up of the community in fun and interactive activities….This set of energetic creative minds will operate with no bar on age, caste, creed, gender, location, spiritual orientation or social status….as long as everyone are able to participate with one intention….art to enhance lives.
So long till I return very soon for some more news….coming soon!!
Monday, January 12, 2015
First week of 2015 in Dubai #Accomplished #Goals #RestarttheArt
Was the 2015 post-holiday startup great for you?
With a week into the brand new year. It was everything about making amends.
As it always is we start a New Year making amends with life to start with, without a care if the positivity is reciprocated. Our attitude makes all the difference and any reciprocation is made to look positive. That is the power of our magical mind and brain-power. It is a bad day only if we make it one.
As it always is we start a New Year making amends with life to start with, without a care if the positivity is reciprocated. Our attitude makes all the difference and any reciprocation is made to look positive. That is the power of our magical mind and brain-power. It is a bad day only if we make it one.
'Nough said about philosophy already :o)…let me just dive into reality which made this week that passed by, such a pleasure.
The message I want to pass on to you on this post is not only an introduction to some great artistic causes in the City, but a suggestion to a peaceful way of taking things as they are put onto your plate of experiences.
The message I want to pass on to you on this post is not only an introduction to some great artistic causes in the City, but a suggestion to a peaceful way of taking things as they are put onto your plate of experiences.
On Friday on introduction from the lovely ZeeArts Community founder I took part in an art-for-the- community-initiative called RESTART THE ART. Certain that it is surely going to be a fulfilling one for anyone seeking community development, It was more than a meaningful start for my 2015 artistic work life. As it was for all the artists Professionals and talented Khansaheb Construction Employees in Dubai.
At least, it turned out that it was a nice topping to my other commercial work that also has been falling in place just fine, taking its own pace "very organically"….which is what puts me at peace because of the certainty that nothing can go wrong when things come together naturally.
By "Organic" in this context I mean...
For instance, something goes very very wrong for us, not out of our own doing but someone else's. It could be even losing a pitch,,,while our competitor may have won the race. Whether one likes it or not things like these keep the world moving in present times. So...Only if someone loses do someone get an opportunity to win. We really can't put rules to anything for that to happen otherwise. Things just transition into something else and one moves to the other like waves in the sea. No matter what you do, whether you inject any kind of stimulus, by way of capital or societal/ethnical influence (oh yes!! some competitors thrive on that-but alas it is short-lived), for everything to come back to normalcy, it will take time. Any situation takes time to heal….you would agree. Even if you hide behind something material which you think may give you that temporary happiness….after that phase you are back at square-one waiting for the time it will take for everything to become normal again. "Time" is so relentless. Cruel and cold at times ... therapeutic and caring at other times. But it is a smooth operator ticking away and so we have to tick along with it to make best of our existence. eh?And hence also be proactive, be persistent, stay in the moment and be proud of our length of time so far on this planet and Just Be Happy. Although it is important to be very curious, very empathetic, very sympathetic, yet cautious and wary of the current environment. By trying our best to make it healthy for ourselves as well as for others around. As I always rant this is the only moment we have surely. Present is a delicacy that needs to be relished. So of course one does not just sit there for it to get normal and organically fall in place. We too are part of the substance that puts everything in place. We too are part of that atom, that world shared by flowers, trees, rocks, and have a responsibility to keep even a bumble bee alive. Like them Hard work and persistence towards our goals are a "must".
So my participation in the on-going Sameness Project satisfies me to think that I was part of an initiative for everyones dream to be considered as "Same" on this earth. Message I took away was that ….. While not taking advantage of each others weaknesses to get ahead alone, then fall down alone without support... Let's take advantage of each others strengths and get ahead together….in good spirit.
I am so excited that I am among some of we artists who are thriving towards this to happen in Dubai….to uplift the true heroes of what Dubai looks like today….every single person was/is as important to have built-up something as world-famous from nothing in such a short span.
Do check out these spaces which are truly currently happening towards a valuable ideal in Dubai
All for equality of humanity, with no ethnic differences, status quo, gender differences, ageist thinking, secular, all size-fits-all attitude.
Watch the above spaces for a year-round excitement to create a happy equality in the midst of great diversity!! IN DUBAI!!!
See you around again!
Watch the above spaces for a year-round excitement to create a happy equality in the midst of great diversity!! IN DUBAI!!!
See you around again!
Monday, January 5, 2015
2015 GOALS - 7 points to a Happy Work-life in 2015
Dear 2015 entrant!!!
How are you. I hope you are as energetic and
chirpy this New Year. All set to take 2015 by storm?!
Perhaps these 7 points I suggest for a Happy
work-life in 2015 should also add to you surging ahead to victory!
The close of an unforgettable 2014 has sat me
with my blueprint (Thanks to Drawn by Success
to draw up my action plan for 2015…. Thanks to all the players who made it either easier or challenging in 2014 …In the end it all helped to emerge as well-researched
a businessperson :o)
So here it is….my points which actually is not rocket-science for
anyone to come up with... but just common-sense to be able to jot down and pin-up as
reminder to practice as a natural:
- Collaborations Select collaborators only after pilot runs. This should be true with also friends. Do the groundwork to check if they could be best business buddies too. Personal issues getting in the way of business commitments is toxic for best practices and eventually for an ideal business.
- Contracts Sign contracts with everyone who you do business with…. Whether it be for a partnership or a supplier or client alliance. Clarity is key to a good contract. Offer a Purchase Order when you ask for any job or Ask for a Purchase Order for every job you do, even if your client is working with you on retainer-ship basis or for years.
- Terms Offer a post-dated cheque to assure your confidence in your service provider, also to show you are keeping your promise in return for their best quality work or Ask for a post-dated cheque, dated a few days after you are expected to deliver the job before you start a project. If the project value is low get your work done by paying in total if you trust (I know it is easier said than done) but for smooth business this could be the best way forward. Because of the trust placed upon the provider, I assure you will get a 200% better job than what it actually cost you. Stick by this policy: Extra charges must apply for delayed payments or delayed deliverables. Count the others time as important as yours.
- Discounts Do not give discounts lavishly. And think hard before discounts are granted for if you want to reverse it even your best client could get annoyed. Be firm with your prices as your quality is incomparable.
- Documentation Keep on record all your email communication, phone text message communication and proof of work done. In case you don't have any of the above to make claims, these help in the end. Legal systems do help you more than you are aware of if done very meticulously and thoughtfully. Endorsements: This year I will invest in getting my contracts and LPOs attested and wish to have a legal advisor. You may want to do the same to make sure you are doing things the right way.
- Respect Respect your associate. Mutual respect for your client or service provider even though the job value is low is so important. Communicate: Keep the communication open and transparent wherever appropriate. Do follow-up after a job is delivered and remember to let the provider know the status of your payments. Delegate this job to your subordinates if you are a busy business owner or manager. A promise broken is a cause for great loss of trust and reputation. Time-management: Keep to deadlines strictly. Whether delivering a job or getting back with approvals or being on time for meetings or collecting or making payments. I know so many of my associates have become as close as part of a family of trusted people, who in a period of time by doing trusted business with each other won't stop at doing each other life-changing favors whenever one could afford to. I have plenty of experiences to share about my clients and associates I have been with for more than a decade who I may drop everything to help them with a project and vice versa. Respect nurtures best associations, helping people to grow with each other. As social beings this is all we have to treasure.
- Legitimacy Last but not the least let me say that one cannot come out of all this unscathed if he/she does not have a legit. work status (authorized freelancer, part-timer, business owner or employee with valid visas).
Before I say goodbye with my best New Year
cheer to all of you….Let me suggest to consider pinning up these quotes as post-its
in front of your workspace:
when you're beginning to get bored with what you have done (letting know of
your business offerings and quality of work to your target market) is probably
the time it is beginning to be noticed by your Audience".
“Even if you are on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there."
will helps those who help themselves. Benjamin Franklin
(rather than stating this as a religious quote, I state this respecting that this comes from a Philosopher who had practiced hard work and reaped the benefits all his life.)
So no matter what challenges may come by, do
not lose focus of what you have stepped out to do….do keep on it and the
challenges will not out-shine your successes & determination…and realize the
power of writing down your daily goals.
Having experienced the results of doing these a few times in my
2 decades of my career, I can confidently say persistence and being determined
with your goals will let you see what you have envisioned miraculously unfolding
in front of your eyes.
With a classic wish for a Happy New Year…I dive
back into my 2015 endeavors and my kick ass plan :o) for the year to come which
already looks good.
So gals and guys! Are you ready to list
everything promising you are foreseeing for yourself in 2015? List yours and be
very pleased that the clock has struck 12 leaving behind a rich but past 2014
:o))) because with these you are going to be a run-away success!
Do write in for any suggestions on defining
your creative selves if you feel stuck in limited and challenging situations….
I will be only too glad to give my 2 cents of "professional counsel".
Catch up with you on this note, a year from now…. with another
reality check! And to share how I did this year.
Happy 2015!!! My dear readers!
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